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Monoenergetic "Cupper" - additive for all types motoric oils for wear protection and restoring of engines without disassembly VIDEO INSTRUCTION ON OIL change!

price: 2 250 р.

The additive "Cupper" is designed to protect against wear and repair engines without disassembly. The composition creates a protective layer of ductile metal with a thickness of several atomic layers on the work surfaces. This protection significantly reduces loads, provides increased heat dissipation from the friction zone, and ensures that the unit operates in a wear-free friction mode. As a result, the engine surpasses the new one in its performance characteristics and is guaranteed to last ten times longer!

How to properly add an additive to motorcycle engine oil.
In no case should you add the additive to the canister and mix it there! The additive must ONLY be added to the hot oil directly into the ENGINE!

The amount of additive per bike.
The dosage is simple: three quarters of a bottle for one M109R! Then start the motorcycle and warm it up for 10 minutes. To get the first effect, you need to roll back one tank of gasoline. One 75 ml bottle is designed for 4 liters of engine oil. Following this formula, you can calculate the volume of the additive to be filled for any engine.

How often to use it.
It is not necessary to fill it with each oil change - it is better to do it every other time. Nothing terrible will happen if you fill it in every time, but in order to save costs, it is better not to do this, because constant use will not enhance the effect.

What gives the use of this additive to your bike.
Firstly, this additive brings ordinary oil to an ideal viscosity state and brings its properties closer to the "magic" ones. Secondly, you really save on gasoline. From personal experience, my average fuel consumption decreased from 6-7 liters to 5-6 liters, and when traveling 4,000 km before and after applying the additive, I saved a third of my budget.

A list of magic bonuses.

  • Restores and re-forms the friction surfaces of the parts of the cylinder piston group, crank and gas distribution mechanisms, virtually eliminates the wear of engine parts.

  • Increases and equalizes compression in the cylinders.

  • Increases engine power and torque.

  • Reduces the amount of engine oil entering the combustion chamber.

  • Improves the fuel combustion process.

  • Reduces fuel consumption.

  • Significantly reduces the consumption of engine oil "on carbon monoxide".

  • Increases the pressure in the engine oil system to the nominal pressure.

  • Increases the service life of nodes tenfold.

  • Eliminates the negative effects of cold start.

  • Facilitates cold start.

  • Significantly reduces noise and vibration levels.

  • Improves engine performance after 250-300 km.

  • Allows short-term operation of the engine in case of an emergency oil leak.

  • Significantly increases the detergent properties of engine oil, gradually washes old deposits to pure metal.

  • Restores the thermodynamics of the engine.

  • Slows down the oxidation process of engine oil tenfold.

Video instructions for changing the oil on Suzuki VZR1800 / M109R with the addition of the additive "Cupper".

At the 28th minute of this video, the rules for pouring the "Cupper" additive into a motorcycle are described in detail!

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